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Why Smart Lighting?

A smart investment that is guaranteed to save you time, energy and money

Smart lighting can improve your daily life and save you money on energy costs. With the ability to control your lights from your smartphone or voice assistant, you can easily set schedules, dim or brighten lights based on the time of day or activity, and control lights remotely. Overall, smart lighting offers convenience, energy savings, and the ability to customise the ambiance of your home, making it a great addition to any smart home. It's a smart investment that will improve your daily life and make your home more efficient.


The Mobile App

Full control of your home lighting from one place 

Take control of your home lighting with our intuitive user-interface. Set your own custom schedules with ease, and set the mood of any room by creating personalised lighting scenes.

Time Schedule

Set your lights to turn on at sunset

Create Scenes

Configure scenes to easily set the mood in any room

Complete Control

Control every smart device through one mobile app


Holiday Mode

Make your home look occupied when you're away

Zone Control

Control your lighting individually or in zones

User Friendly

Intuitive user-interface that is easy to use

Types of Smart Lighting

Select the correct type of smart lighting for your home

Lighting is the most popular form of smart control, but the majority of people don't realise how complex smart lighting truly is. There are a variety of ways smart lighting can be achieved, along with a long list of different bulbs, switches, and relays to choose from. So it's important to know that you are choosing the correct method of installation, and that you are using the most reliable and beneficial products.

Basic Lighting

Simple on and off lighting

Keep your existing switches

App & Voice Control

Control lights outside the home

Basic automations

Create scenes

Colour Temperature Lighting

Adjust brightness & colour temp

New smart light switches

App & Voice control

Control lights outside the home

Advanced automations

Create scenes

Dimmable Lighting

Ability to adjust the brightness

Keep your existing switches

App & Voice Control

Control lights outside the home

Basic automations

Create scenes

RGBW Lighting

Adjust brightness & colour

New smart light switches

App & Voice control

Control lights outside the home

Advanced automations

Create scenes


Smart Home Design

Get an overview of your smart home with our design pack. From technical drawings, floor plans, rack designs, and cable schedules, we will be sure to keep everyone on the same page.

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